Friday, February 20, 2009

School Hunt Day

Four schools.

One with aircon.

Three without.

We knew exactly which one is for us.

But, am I ready for this?

Class bully. During the visit, I gatecrashed cousin Josh class. I wanted to join his neighbouring table, next to a girl. I pulled out an empty chair by her side. She pushed it right back and told me I cannot sit there. While she kept an eye on me, I went to Josh, Issac and Triston's table and where I was more than welcomed! Boys are more fun.

Worksheets. The teacher invited me to join in by giving me a worksheet. I held on to it the whole day, and Mii was overwhelmed by it when she finally had a look at it. Its the beginning of twenty years of worksheet, homework, tests, projects, assignments & exams.

Discipline. Not just me, but my parents too. Our appointment to visit is at 10am. We arrived at 10.30am. Principal spared no discipline and told us we were supposed to be there at 10am! Mii wanted to point fingers - at Dii. A glare flew by instead?

Yes, I am so ready for this!